
I regularly speak for varied audiences on:

  • libraries and digital privacy
  • digital preservation
  • audiovisual digitization
  • LIS education
  • research-data management
  • linked data, metadata, the Semantic Web

Topics are always negotiable; my best talks have sent me out on a limb!

I am strongly opinionated within my areas of expertise, and I am not afraid of delivering strong critique—including to my audience, at times. If this even might be a dealbreaker for you, please look at some of my past talks (such as this one, or this one) before sending me a talk request.

I do insist that your event have a credible Code of Conduct before I can accept an invitation to speak. If you need a code to adopt or adapt, ALA has one, as do the code4lib conference and the Digital Library Federation. Thank you for understanding.


I only accept speaking invitations that do not involve air travel. This is for environmental and privacy reasons. Any webinar, or any event I can drive or take a bus or train to, I am happy to speak at!

Generally, physical travel means the Upper Midwest: Wisconsin and its surrounding states. I have been known to drive further for the right event.

Examples of my talks

For a full list of keynotes, invited talks, and other presentations I’ve done, see my About/CV page.

Slidedecks, often with talk notes, are available from SlideShare (older decks) and SpeakerDeck (newer decks).

Speaking arrangements

I am not picky about most travel arrangements; economy hotels (or folks’ guestrooms) are just fine. You can trust that I will pick the least expensive travel option consonant with reason.

I am ovo-lacto vegetarian: no meat and no fish, please, but eggs and dairy are fine. Thanks in advance for your consideration!

I do not at present need any accommodations for disability.

Interested in having me speak?

Email me at dorothea at dsalo.info.